Overview of Expense Types

Use Expense Types to initialize Deltek Expense. Before setting up expense types, set up charge types, payment methods, and providers.

Set up expense types before adding expense report types and before entering expense reports. Before setting up lodging expense types, set up the items already mentioned and then set up expense types that can be used as other lodging expenses, such as room service meals, hotel phone calls, hotel minibar, and so on.

Expense types are the focal point of Deltek Expense. The expense types you set up and the way they are set up determines how expenses are recorded. Depending on your company requirements, you can have many expense types or just a few. You link the expense types to the expense report types to limit which expenses can go on a particular expense report. You can also determine the expense ceiling, set up user-defined values, link providers and payment methods, and add the general ledger accounting information.

Examples of expense types include:

  • Airfare
  • Rail
  • Car Rental
  • Meals
  • M&IE
  • Mileage
  • Parking
  • Per Diem Lodging
  • Non Per Diem Lodging
  • Cell Phone
  • Office Supplies
  • Entertainment